He hears His childrens' voice

Recently, I got a puppy. His name is Bolt. He is four months old, super smart, sweet and hard headed unless you have food. Initially, he slept like a newborn baby. He would somewhat nap during the day when he was out of his crate and I was near, but as soon as I put him in the crate at night he would start painfully crying and loudly barking to the point where I couldn’t sleep. Keep in mind he was fed, had used the restroom and he just wanted out. His crate is in my room and the first couple of nights were really bad. I would not really sleep, wake up exhausted, work an 8 hour day in new job and then do it all over again.

After the first several LONG days, I was able to get him on a schedule. He has a set bedtime and runs in the crate with a treat. He is able to sleep about 5 hours straight and recently stopped peeing in the crate which means I have to take him outside anywhere from 4am-5am in the morning. Now I am a notoriously hard sleeper. I fell off the top bunk on a cruise ship when traveling with my aunt and cousin and I was still sleep. In school, I would set multiple alarms and hope by the third one I would hear it and be able to get up (somehow the alarm would get incorporated into a dream and I would sleep right through it). My dad had to resort to turning the bright lights on and pulling my covers off to make sure I was actually getting up.

But now, I have a puppy. He’s my dog child. When he so much as whimpers during the night I hear it and wake up immediately. No matter how soft his cries, I hear him. As much as I love my sleep, I love him more. And now that we’ve established a routine, I know he wouldn’t whine at night unless there is something wrong. So when I hear him I quickly jump out of bed and see what he needs. Now if I will do that for a dog, what will God do for His children?

God will do that and more! God never sleeps! He is never tired! He is always concerned about us. He is watching out for us, protecting us from danger seen and unseen. He hears our cries and He wants us to just turn to him and trust Him, no matter what it looks like. Trust Him. He’s got us! Be encouraged today.
