Maintaining Joy during SAD months
It’s officially Fall and the clocks have been set back shortening our daylight hours. It gets darker earlier and stays darker longer. It’s easy to feel sluggish and unmotivated to do the things that not only need to be done, but even the things you simply want to do. My circles have been talking about seasonal depression a lot lately and how though it can be subtle, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is very real. I included a link that shares more information about SAD (below). If you think you have SAD I encourage you to check with your doctor to properly diagnose you and recommend any treatment. In this blog post, I want to focus on non-medical ways to help you maintain your joy during the fall and winter.
The previously mentioned article recommends getting sunlight, exercise and spending time with friends as ways to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder. In addition, I recommend trying new things that are not a part of your routine (e.g. drive a different route to work, order something different at your favorite restaurant, say yes to something to something you would normally say no to). Also, self-care in all forms are really important (continue your normal self-care routine and maybe splurge a little as well. (Try out that new spa. Go ahead and get your toes done too. Take time to dive in to that book that’s been in your car for weeks or watch that movie you missed in theaters). Don’t ignore how you feel, instead proactively brainstorm ways to help you feel better. What works for others might not work for you and vis versa.
You got this! If you need any help brainstorming any ideas, feel free to email me.