YOLO: Are you doing life "right"?
Recently, I had a revelation…I was put on Earth to help and give, not hurt and harm. It sounds simple I know, but it is fundamental to how I want to live my life. So often people are consumed with WHAT they will do (specifically talking about careers…we commonly ask kids “what do you want to do when you grow up?”). Instead of what, I choose to focus on how.
Better questions to ask are:
“How do you want to live your life?”
“How do you want people to feel after encountering you?”
“How do you want to impact the world?'“
I think the answers to these questions are more important than what you do to make money. The answers to these questions can create the “theme song” to our lives and direct us more than choosing any profession will. I challenge you (dear reader) to ask these questions and let the answers guide you.
When answering these questions do not be limited by:
What you see,
old versions of yourself, or
opinions or expectations of others.
What you see is not all there is. Maybe you’re going to be the one to chart a new course, how exciting is that?! Don’t let your exposure limit your possibilities. Additionally, you are entitled to change your mind. What you wanted at age 5, 18, 25, or even YESTERDAY can change. As humans we are constantly evolving. Don’t stifle the growth because you choose to hold on to your old thoughts and aspirations. It’s ok to change your mind, it’s ok to pivot. Many of us have fallen victim to the unsolicited or solicited opinions and expectations of others. We want to make our parents proud and [fill in the blank of whoever you might allow to influence you], but at what cost? You are living YOUR life, so live it on your terms.
Pick the theme of your life, but don’t be afraid to change the song.
XOXO Riane