My Blueprint for Dealing with Fear
I’m going to be honest with you. All of the current events going on sometimes give me moments of fear and thoughts of “what if.” I am a Christian and am well aware that I have no reason to fear and yet sometimes I do. Does that make me a “bad Christian”? No, it makes me human. Chances are you might experience moments of fear too, and that’s ok. Just don’t stay there. Below is my blueprint for dealing with fear and some resources for you.
Acknowledge How You Feel
It’s pretty hard to change how you feel, if you don’t first acknowledge how you feel. Don’t get caught up in how you think or others say you should feel, what you should know, or how you should respond. Deal with what you feel and where you are now. Your feelings are valid. Trying to suppress them usually just makes us feel worse. Nelson Mandela said “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” I believe that fear is a common emotion that many humans experience at some point in life. It can be a fleeting emotion or something you stay in, the choice is yours.
If after assessing how you feel, you decide you don’t want to feel that way any longer, make efforts to change that. Tap into your Power Tools, spend time with God, do whatever you need to do to get out of that fearful place and into your joyful place.
Remember Who is In Control
Most of the time the source of my fear stems from me thinking I am going through the fearful experience alone. I look at my own capabilities and feeling unequipped. I look at my circumstances and they seem insurmountable to me. The truth is they probably are insurmountable to me, but I am not in control nor am I alone and neither are you. God is in control. He’s omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. That is why we have no reason to fear, because nothing we may ever encounter or experience is too hard or too big for God. We have to remember and focus on this truth not the insane headline of the day. Focus on God, His love for us, and his everlasting power.
Look at God’s Track Record
One of the most effective things for me to do is look at God’s track record, not just in the Bible but in my life. Go through the chapters of your life and reflect on the seemingly insurmountable challenges that were long ago conquered. Remind yourself of how you felt then just as you feel now and God stepped into your situation giving you the victory. It’s helpful if you keep a list because we sometimes have short memories, but it’s so important to remember what God has done for us. Caution: Sometimes I find myself thinking “well what I face now is harder and different than before”, as a means to justify my fear or concern about this new area. Don’t fall into the trap. Just because it’s new and different to you does not mean it’s new or hard for God. His track record is evidence of his majesty and He still reigns.
The next time you feel fear don’t try to ignore it, deal with it. After you acknowledge how you feel, remember God is in control and see His track record is straight wins, rest in Him. Below are some great resources to help increase your faith and diminish the fear.
Listen to “4 Unusual Strategy to Deal with Fear” by Priscilla Shirer
The Bible
Psalm 23:4
Psalm 27:1
Psalm 91:4-5
Psalm 112:7-8
Proverbs 29:25
Isaiah 41:10
Isaiah 54:14
Luke 12:32
2 Timothy 1:7
Hebrews 13:5-6
1 Peter 3:14
1 John 4:18