Cover Up or Dig Up?

As you all know I have a dog, and we often go over to my parent’s house. As a result my parent’s yard has been (how should I say?) transformed by my dog, Bolt. As many dogs do, Bolt digs and pulls up grass as he runs. He basically left a lot of potholes in my parents yard. It looked bad. My dad’s solution was to just cover the yard with pine straw. Making it look worse, lol. Initially, he only put pine straw on the dirt holes where Bolt left his signature design. But at some point there was more pine straw than grass.


The Last Straw, lol

Though originally he was adding pine straw to the yard, one day he brought something that looked like hay, let’s be honest it’s hay *face palm*

The next day unable to take it any longer, I went to Pike’s nursery got some sod, raked and bagged up a lot of the pine straw (and hay, lol) and laid down the new sod. Instantly, the yard looked better. It’s still a work in progress, but it looks better.

Much better. The sod still needs to grow and spread together, but their yard is looking much more like a yard these days. Even though my back was sore from all of the yard work, I’m so proud of the results.

Much better. The sod still needs to grow and spread together, but their yard is looking much more like a yard these days. Even though my back was sore from all of the yard work, I’m so proud of the results.

The Point of It All

By now you might be saying cute story, why are you sharing? Well, I share this because it got me to thinking how many times in life we just try to cover up our issues instead of getting to the root of the problem and really resolving the issue. This makes sense, because it’s easier to cover up things and hope they get better than to do the sometimes painstaking work to get the results you want. “Hard things come before good things.” (Quotation from the movie Concrete Cowboy) In order to get the results you want sometimes you have to dig up existing things in your life to lay a new foundation (or let’s call it sod, lol).

Digging may take time, it likely will be hard, and it can be scary, but it in the end it will be worth it. Don’t be afraid to dig. Dare to dig up the things in your life that no longer serve you and plant something new.
