Self-Care (Quarantine Edition)
One of my favorite things to do in general is go to the spa. With all that’s going on I could use a spa day more than ever, but since I’m in the house, I will have to come up with my own ways to deal with any stress/anxiety or just plain old relax.
This “quiet time” over the last few weeks has taught me to appreciate the simple things, I regained a love for taking baths something that until recently was too much work and took too long. I’ve even started putting lavender essential oil in them. I haven’t done my hair nearly as much as I should, so when I do, that too is special. I see Instafriends have even started doing their eyebrows and nails, I’m not that committed yet. But I’ve learned I can do somethings. And in order to feel like my best self I should probably do something everyday.
You should too!
Good ol’ Amazon is still running so you can order some stuff if you want to get fancy or you can use what you likely already have at home to help you relax (old fashioned oats and water makes a great face mask and you can put uncooked rice in a sock and microwave it to create a relaxing heated pillow). Whatever your jam, I hope you make time daily to care for yourself because after all self-care is the best care.
Wishing you peace and light!