Still, Small Voice

God will block things that don't need to be in your life and usher in things that do, if you let Him. One of my favorite things about having a relationship with God is that He provides guidance to us. God is not one to force His will in to your life; we as human beings have complete autonomy in decision making. 


My favorite way He provides guidance is speaking directly to me. God has yet to speak to me through a burning bush like He spoke to Moses and I have not heard a loud voice booming from the sky, but I have experienced small promptings in my spirit. These promptings are quiet and unobtrusive, yet strong and unwavering. My heart has to be tuned to His to hear them and distractions can definitely drown them out. 

Sometimes the promptings feel like peace about a situation or decision that once troubled me, other times it's the exact opposite. The more I listen (or don't) the more confident I become that I am hearing God's voice. Either way, after some time, I'll be able to know if that was truly Him speaking to me based on the outcome of the situation. Sometimes he tells me to "wait" or "go", other times he says "this is not for you...ever".

As a Christian, I strive to discern and live out my purpose in this world. It's a whole lot easier following God's guidance. I want to encourage you to get close enough to God to hear His voice, and stay in His presence to follow His directions. God's guidance for me is often translated into God's protection. I believe it will for you too.
