Thinking of Them Is Not Enough

Today, I ran into an old classmate who some how or another mentioned that he is the one that reaches out in our friendship. I responded something to the effect of "I think of you." To my surprise he launched into this speech about how people saying they think of him seems disingenuous to him and means nothing. If I really think of him, he would prefer me to take the two seconds to say that via text and then keep on with my busy life. He told me he spends a lot of energy reaching out to others and it would be nice if we reached out to him.


Although I was shocked to hear this from him, I could empathize because I am usually that friend in other relationships. I understand the exhaustion of a one sided relationship. The more he talked the more I realized that in terms of reaching out to him, I had room for improvement. Yes, my life is busy, but I make time to reach out to others. Why not him? Is it because I think he doesn't need to be checked on and know that I'm thinking of him? I'm not sure, but I can honestly say I didn't know it meant so much to him before he said anything. Although, I think of my friend, he has no way of knowing that.  It's time to put actions behind my thoughts.

The suicides of both Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain this week, remind us that even the most successful and seemingly strong people need a solid support system. Your strong friends who always reach out to you like to be reached out to. The encourager in your life who is always there with a positive word and a prayer needs encouragement too. They need to know you care. They enjoy feeling valued and special.

Remind someone you care today. 
